250 G of fresh shrimps
 Carottes/brocolis/céleri/pois French-bean, or other vegetables of season

 (For 4 people) Déveiner shrimps.
To marinate with 2 spoons with soup of oil, salt + a sugar pinch.
Sauce (1): to mix in a bowl, 3/4 cups of water + 2 spoons with oyster sauce soup + 1 1/2 spoon with corn starch soup + salt

Cooking: 1st stage: to make jump vegetables, add 1/4 of water cup, cover 3 minutes approximately and put side
 2 2nd stage: to make jump shrimps in a very hot pan, add 1 spoon to oyster sauce soup then the sauce (1), leave frétiller and add

To be useful with white rice.