Marinade for chicken:
 2 C count corn oil Mazola
 2 C count of coriande or chopped parsley
 2 C count of fresh gingembre grated
 1 C counts of honey
 1 C tea of salt
 1/2 C tea of pepper
 2 chopped cloves of garlic fine.
 4 chicken chests
 Sauce with groundnuts:
 2 C count of corn oil Mazola
 1/2 cup chopped onions fine
 2 chopped cloves of garlic
 1 C tea fresh gingembre chopped
 1/2 C tea crushed flakes hot red pepper (less if one wishes less pricking)
 1 corn syrup cup
 1/4 sauce soya cup
 3 C count cider vinegar or balsamic
 2 C count peanut butter
 1 C counts of honey

 To marinate chicken:
 In a not very deep dish, to mix oil, the coriande, the gingembre, honey, salt, pepper and garlic. To add the chests.
To let rest at temperature part 30 minutes or longer with the refrigerator, while turning from time to time the pieces.
To make roast with the BBQ or the grill furnace at 6 inches of heat, 10 minutes or until desired cooking.

 Sauce with groundnuts:
 In a pan, to heat oil with moderate fire. To add onion and to cook until transparency, approximately 5 minutes.
To add corn syrup, the sauce soya and the vinegar and other ingredients. To carry to boiling, to withdraw fire and to incorporate the peanut
butter and to brew until dissolve.
To be used chicken on rice or pastes and napper the chicken with sauce for