4 tournedos
 1 clove of garlic emincée
 4 thin distinct potatoes
 2 large onions out of discs
 1 1/2 cup of cream 35%
 1 1/2 cuil. with salt tea
 1/2 cuil. with powder mustard tea

 To remove the fat of tournedos, fariner tournedos.
To dissolve the fat and to make there return the latter as well as the clove of garlic.
To lubricate a dish with gratin of 11 1/2 X 7 1/2 X1 1/2 and to put potatoes at it.
To pose tournedos on potatos and to lay out onions on the whole.
To mix the cream, salt, mustard out of powder and to pour on the preparation.
To cook 2 to 2 1/2 hours with the furnace with 350*F.